Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cross-training Day...

Today was my day off from running. The program I'm following says to either rest or cross-train (aerobics, Pilates, cycling, swimming, etc.) for the most part, I've been forced to rest. I did Pilates one day, last week, but when I tried to do a Zumba video, I had to stop because the pain I felt in my back (which I have struggled with for years). I took that pain and the shin splints as a sign to just rest between running to begin - I figured, when my body was ready to be pushed, it would let me know.

I posted a picture yesterday afternoon on Facebook. I had been wanting to ask for some help but felt uncomfortable; luckily, I had a lot of responses from knowledgeable people; one person even posted something to me in a personal message.

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  • Friend likes this.

    • Natalie Oh no... Hope you feel better!

    • Agnes Hey- You probably need different shoes. Any time I've gotten shin splints or have known someone who got them, it's because their shoes aren't the right design for their feet. Go to a place that specializes in picking the right running shoe for you (and if you aren't convinced, see if a second place agrees w/ the same shoes).
      Yesterday at 9:56am ·  · 1


    • Kristinwhat are you running for?

      Yesterday at 10:19am ·  · 3

    • Carl I had that issue when I started running. Just be sure to listen to your body and don't get plantar fasciitis. It's a real pain (pun intended).

    • Me: Running for my health. Tired of not recognizing myself in pictures. Sigh...
      Doing a 4 weeks to run a mile thing but it's looking line it will be more like 6 or 8 weeks; I'm excited that I'm still trying!

      Yesterday at 10:49am ·  · 1

    • Me:  Running for my health. I'm tired of not recognizing myself in pictures. I'm trying to do a run a mile in 4 weeks thing but it's looking like it will be more like 6 to 8 weeks. I'm just excited that I'm still going!
      Thanks for all the advice, everyone!!!

    • Carl You can do it!

    • Kassie I agree with Agnes. Oh, and GO DEE!!!

    • Jill If you ever want to run, let me know! Hang in there!
      Yesterday at 1:54pm ·  · 1

    • Melisa Way to go girl! Two tips: you can never do enough stretching; strengthen the little muscles by doing circles with the feet- clockwise and counter-clockwise. I used to recite the alphabet in each direction.

    • Carolyn You might want to read up on/watch some youtube videos on Pose running or barefoot running (even if you don't want to run barefoot, there are good techniques). I think the heel strike (vs. midfoot landing) can cause injuries in a lot of people. I haven't started running much yet but I've been reading some books!

    • Elizabeth If you are going to keep running before they are healed there is a way to tape them that will help!! get some good wide medical tape and yo make V's up the front of your shin. over lap each layer and make sure they wrap at least half way around your calf. it should look like a fish tail braid. this is how I got through many dance competitions!!

Sorry if this is total Facebook stalking, but I saw your post about shin splints. I struggles with shin splints for far too long. I was at the point where I thought I just wasn't meant to run because I couldn't cure my shin splints.
Yes it maybe you having the wrong shoes... But it also could just be weak calves/whims that are too tight. #1 most important thing you need to do is stretch!!! Write the alphabet with your foot. Don't move your whole leg, just have it all come from your ankle and foot movement. And ice ice ice those shins. Fill a paper cup w water, freeze it and then rub your shins with the ice in the cup. Also, vary up your running. Running on the sidewalk is irritating your shins too. You have to ease into the road running. Switch between the sidewalk and then the grass next to the sidewalk or even trail running of that is convient for you. If your ahin splints are bad, take the next day off. Don't push yourself too much. This beginning part of running is the hardest. Your body needs to get used to it and adapt. 

Sorry if .you didn't want to hear any of that, I just know the pain of shin splints and how frustrating they can be. I just wanted to pass along my experience because I know the pain far too well.

Keep on running!!!!

This alone was enough to make me feel good (and who doesn't like to have a little support) but today, I tried doing some more strength and stretching exercises and instead of being in pain this morning, I actually wanted to go for a bike ride. I used to do 20 miles without too much difficulty but have lost that ability over the past 6 years or so. 

Bill, the kids and I decided, since it was such a nice day, we'd go for a bike ride in the afternoon. We suited up (first aid kit, camel backs, dried fruit, etc.) and headed out. we rode 10 miles (not bad for someone so out of shape). When we got home, we decided to take the dog for a walk so we got in another mile. 
Again, not bad if you ask me...Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm planning to get up early and go running again. I'm still not sure I'm ready to do the full, scheduled, 1/2 mile of running but I'm really trying to do more each time. Yesterday, I circled the track my typical 4 times and two of those times I was able to run for 1/2 of the track (the shin splints were too intense for me to complete it running but it felt good to walk it). I suppose my cross training day has been a success. I'm beat and can't believe I'm still awake but I really like who I'm becoming and I really hope that I continue to see this girl around.(I'll post on another day about how my eating has changed with this new routine).Thanks for the support. Thanks for believing in me...

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