Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Re-Use a Pocket Shoe Organizer

This brilliant idea is not from my brain. I saw it on a Facebook group that I'm a part of but since you can't share things on Facebook, I figured I'd share the love...I'm not sure if this will work or not, but the Facebook page is Homesteading / Survivalism, check them out - there's some neat things there. 

Just a thought, if you're wanting to do this, please don't go to the store and purchase a brand new shoe holder. This idea is great but it's not really the point to buy it new, the point is to re-use what you have around your home. If you're still thinking this is too good to pass by and you want to do it anyway - stop by your local Goodwill and see if you can find one there!

Happy planting...

1 comment:

  1. If you do not have that many, then you can always purchase a simple rack at an affordable price. However, if you have a lot more then you should definitely consider purchasing something that is able to accommodate all of them.
